Recent Hanley-Wood research shows sustainability to be one of the top five reasons why customers choose a cabinet manufacturer. The KCMA ESP seal makes it easy for your clients to select cabinets that align with their values – a safer home for family and protecting the environment for future generations.
Participants in the KCMA Environmental Stewardship Program (ESP) recycled more than 16.4 million pounds of paper/cardboard equating to 140,000 trees in 2017 alone. Consumers care about the environment and want greener products in their home - and the KCMA ESP certification is a tangible way to show that the cabinets you are recommending are committed to responsibility and sustainability for the environment.
KCMA developed the ESP certification to encourage practices that benefit the environment and communities served by cabinet manufacturers. The ESP goes beyond other environmental programs by taking a holistic approach to certification, holding the industry to high standards for their products, forest sustainability and manufacturing processes.

  • Air Quality & Pollution Prevention – ESP certified cabinets are made with materials and finishes that greatly reduce emissions from the cabinets.
  • Resource Sustainability – The materials used in making the cabinets are sourced in an environmentally friendly way.
  • Waste Minimization – In making the cabinets the process is environmentally friendly. Process waste is tracked, reduced and recycled and there is a focus on energy conservation.
  • Environmental Stewardship – The manufacturer has a written policy statement concerning a firm commitment to environmental quality. It requires review of vendor's environmental policies, use of renewable/recycled materials, shipping of cabinets through an Environmental Protection Agency SmartWay Transport partner. In addition, the manufacturing facility may have an environmental management system.
  • Community Relations – The manufacturer has a commitment to the community through service and/or charitable giving.
KCMA has been ensuring that ESP-certified cabinets are produced in an environmentally sound manner for nearly 15 years. Learn more about the Environmental Stewardship Program, the KCMA/ANSI Quality Certification Program, or about becoming a member of KCMA on the KCMA website.

| 9/9/2020 10:52:53 AM | 0 comments
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