NARI Calls for Volunteers

NARI relies on its members and chapter leaders to help achieve our goals nationwide, and we need your help on National committees. Are you interested in serving on a NARI committee or do you know someone you would like to nominate?

NARI has various committee positions available beginning April 1, and you need not have served previously. If you are interested in exploring these opportunities or volunteering in the future, please complete your volunteer profile in the NARI Network today. See the attached instructions on how to do so.

Members and chapter executives may serve as a voting member on up-to two (2) standing committees in any administrative year (April 1-March 30). Full committee operations information can be viewed in the Policy Manual beginning on page 34 and all committee charter details begin on page 65.

Contact Jackie Pulkrabek, NARI Events and Recognition Manager, at [email protected] with further questions.

| 3/27/2023 2:40:37 PM | 0 comments
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