We offer electronic mail from this site as a service to our visitors. We will endeavor to keep all of your e-mail private, viewable only by you and the person to whom you address it, except:
We, as site operators, may need to look at your electronic mail if we believe it is necessary to protect ourselves or other visitors from injury or damage. For example, if we have reason to believe a visitor is involved in activities which violate our rules or applicable law, which could lead the authorities to seize or search this site's server, we may review his or her electronic mail for our own protection. We will not, however, monitor electronic mail unless we obtain reason to believe it is being misused.
We will not deliberately disclose electronic mail to other visitors. If we believe certain electronic mail is connected with activities that violate our rules or applicable law, we may disclose it to the authorities to protect ourselves and other callers.
Remember that the person to whom you send electronic mail is not legally required to keep it secret. The sender or receiver of electronic mail has the right to make it public.
If a governmental authority ever searches or seizes this site's server, it may gain access to your private electronic mail. In that case, we cannot assure they will not review it.
All electronic messages may be copied as a routine matter and may be destroyed on a regular basis. NARI disclaims any responsibility to maintain copies of any such communication or to assure that such information is deleted.