Certification Exam

Every NARI Certification candidate must complete and pass an examination corresponding to their chosen certification. 

How to Take the Exam

All certification exams are administered online and may be completed from the comfort of your own home. An examination proctor will observe you for the duration of the exam via your cell phone camera. 

What you'll need:

  • A stable internet connection
  • A laptop or desktop computer (tablets cannot be used to take the exam)
  • A cell phone with a working camera

Coordinating Your Exam

A NARI Certification staff member will reach out to you one month prior to the start of the exam period to confirm that you wish to test during the upcoming exam period and to arrange examination logistics.

What you need to do:

  • You must reply to the e-mail from NARI Certification staff to confirm you wish to test during the upcoming exam period.
  • If you do not reply to confirm, we will not be able to coordinate an exam for you.
After you have confirmed you wish to test during the upcoming exam period, you will receive an e-mail from NARI Certification staff on the week prior to the start of the exam period providing you with your exam link and further instructions for taking your exam.

You can take your exam any time, day or night, during the two week testing period. You do not need to schedule a specific day or time to take your exam. You will simply click on your exam link when you are ready to begin taking your exam and follow the prompts.

You may not take your exam before or after the two-week examination period window. 

What happens if you don't pass your exam?

If you are unable to pass your certification exam on the first try, you can take the exam up to two more times within a two year period from the time that you originally enrolled in certification. A $50 retest fee will apply.

If you are unable to pass your exam after three tries or within the two year eligibility window, you will have to re-enroll in the program and pay all applicable fees. 

2025 Certification Exam Periods

May 5 - 18

August 11 - 24

December 1 - 14


Exam Structure





CR4 hours200
  • Blank piece of paper
  • Simple handheld calculator (not graphing, not on phone or on computer)
CKBR4 hours200
  • Blank piece of paper
  • Simple handheld calculator (not graphing, not on phone or on computer)
CLC3 hours180
  • Blank piece of paper
  • Simple handheld calculator (not graphing, not on phone or on computer)
CRPM3 hours150
  • Blank piece of paper
  • Simple handheld calculator (not graphing, not on phone or on computer)
UDCP90 minutes90
  • Blank piece of paper
  • Simple handheld calculator (not graphing, not on phone or on computer)


2025 Certification Exam Periods

May 5 - 18
August 11 - 24
December 1 - 14

Have questions about NARI Certification?


Contact NARI Certification Staff at 847-298-9200 or [email protected]