Coty Tips: Meeting Your Client's Needs

When submitting your project for the Contractor of the Year (CotY) Awards, it's important to showcase how you met your client's specific needs and goals. This demonstrates your attention to detail, ability to personalize your approach, and commitment to client satisfaction. Here are some tips on how to effectively highlight this:

  • Provide clear examples: Use specific examples from your project to illustrate how you met your client's needs. Did you use a product or design feature that your client requested? Did you make modifications to the original plans to better accommodate their preferences? Be sure to provide details that demonstrate your attention to their needs.
  • Explain the process: Don't just describe what you did to meet your client's needs; also explain the thought process behind it. Share how you identified their specific goals and needs and arrived at the solution you ultimately implemented. This helps demonstrate your problem-solving skills and ability to work collaboratively with clients.
  • Share before and after photos: Photos can be a powerful tool for showcasing your work. By sharing before and after photos of your project, you can effectively demonstrate how you transformed your client's space to meet their needs. Be sure to explain the changes that were made and why they were important to your client. 
Remember, the CotY Awards are all about recognizing excellence in the remodeling industry. By highlighting your client's specific needs and goals, you can increase your chances of winning and demonstrate your commitment to delivering personalized and client-centered solutions.

National CotY awards open October 15, 2023!

Learn more about how to apply.

| 7/10/2023 1:41:42 PM | 0 comments
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